
AR or Augmented Reality refers to the blending of computer-generated objects with the real world. There is a superimposition of the virtual world and the real world which gives rise to a new area of vision that can be seen through any AR-based screen or device.

Witnessing the growing potential of AR, business leaders are putting their best sources in this field to harness its complete advantage. More and more apps are being developed which use the power of AR to increase their productivity meanwhile entertaining the user. One such example is Snapchat

Now, if you want to implement AR, first you just understand how it works. But, no need to stress it, we’ve got you packed! Shubhchintak Technologies works brilliantly in the field of AR to provide you with the best AR solutions. To make your job easier, we’ll explain to you the working of AR via this article, so do give it a read! 

The AR technology basically works through one of these three concepts :

  • SLAM: SLAM stands for “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping” and is one of the most commonly used methods for implementing AR. In this approach, the device takes advantage of the sensors to create a map structure of the environment. The map gets continuously fed into the main database and the database in turn returns the AR blended environment which can be projected on the screen.

In simpler terms, SLAM continuously sends your environment’s information to the database and projects an AR-based environment on your screen. This can be implemented in a number of ways.

  • Recognition based: This one is a market-based approach. Now, what is a marker? A marker is a real-world object, like a QR code, which can be seen through or scanned using a camera. When the marker is scanned, the AR element pops up on the screen and moves in the same fashion the marker is moved. 

This method doesn’t make use of your location or environment. Rather, it just uses your camera to recognize markers and project AR elements on the screen. This concept is used in a number of outdoor mobile games and also in Snapchat filters.

  • Location-based: This is a markerless based approach which uses your location to generate AR data. It requires a GPS, digital compass, and an accelerometer to provide the necessary data to the main database and display the preset AR elements on your screen.

This method uses your location to exactly pin-point your device and your direction to generate AR elements that have been assigned to that particular area. This AR method is implied in various mobile games. One such popular game that uses this concept of AR is Pokemon Go.

So, these were the three methods by which AR is generally implemented. Do check out our other blog articles on AR and VR to get more information about of working of these fields!

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